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Hey Y'all!


The template for this post suggested that I "Add a catchy title." Never one to do well under pressure, and because this is just an about me post, I decided a friendly "Hello" would simply have to suffice. So, 'hey y'all!' as we say down here in the South and a warm welcome to  The Coffee Stained Life,


I'm Stephanie- daughter of the King, wife to my one-and-only, daughter, sister, fur-baby momma, friend, infertility warrior, wanna-be homemaker, and bibliophile who desires deep connections and a slow, simple, meaningful life. I take my coffee black, strong, preferably organic and fair trade,


I have long toyed with the idea of starting a blog to consolidate and share my musings, work out my own understanding and, if possible, help some other human along this winding road of life we are all traveling.  So after much prayer and encouragement from some sweet friends, I warily pressed the "Publish" button to create this space. I hope you find The Coffee Stained Life to be somewhere you can glean something useful; be it an easy-to-make, clean-eating recipe, thrifty homemaking tip or a shared infertility story, but mostly, I pray it is an encouraging, soul-filling space where you can sit and drink a hot cup of coffee and rest in the knowledge that you are not alone in your walk and that we, none of us, were made for this world.


I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Psalm 27:13



Photography Credit:  Leslie Chilton Photography


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